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SPAI Group's Research

Representative Works
(Pl find the complete list of articles on this Google Scholar profile. Please send us a mail for related queries. * - indiates equal contribution)
A Multi-Level Cluster-Search for XMC
Mahim Jain*, Gourav Pathak*, Prakhar Verma*, Mahesh Mohan M. R.
poster / slide 1 / slide 2

Extreme Multi-Label Classification can be effectively solved using Modular approaches

AI-Assisted Spectral Analysis for Diabetes Prediction
Veer Gajarlawar, Anjali Devi J S, Mahesh Mohan M. R.
Symposium on Emerging Nanotechnologies for Sensors - Organisation and Recognition Systems 2024 (SENSORS 2024)
paper / slides / poster / code / bib

A Divide and Conquer Approach to deal with FTIR based Diabetes Prediction.

Barriers to Computer Vision Applications in Pig Production Facilities
Jiangong Li, Angela R Green-Miller, Xiaodan Hu, Ana Lucic, Mahesh Mohan M. R., Ryan N Dilger, Isabella CFS Condotta, Brian Aldridge, John M Hart, Narendra Ahuja
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022

A systematic analysis of computer vision applications specific to commercial pig management.

Fast Motion Deblurring of IR Images
Nisha Varghese, Mahesh Mohan M. R., and A. N. Rajagopalan
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2022

Motion deblurring for IR cameras mounted on a high steering-rate gimbal system (processed in real time).

Deep Dynamic Scene Deblurring for Unconstrained Dual-lens Cameras
Mahesh Mohan M. R., G K Nithin, and A. N. Rajagopalan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , 2021
paper / bib

A Deep Learning approach for motion deblurring for dual-lens cameras to address incoherent views, ill-posedness, and adaptive scale.

Motion Deblurring Methodolgies: Going Beyond Conventional Cameras
Mahesh Mohan M. R.. Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. A. N. Rajagopalan
Ph.D. thesis in IIT Madras
dissertation / slides / bib

Motion deblurring for Rolling shutter cameras, Light field cameras, and Unconstrained Dual-lens cameras.

Unconstrained Motion Deblurring for Dual-lens Cameras
Mahesh Mohan M. R., Sharath Girish, and A. N. Rajagopalan
ICCV, 2019   (Oral Presentation)
paper / slides / poster / bib

Motion deblurring for dual-lens cameras possess an ill-posedness, which calls for a prior for depth-consistent deblurring.

Divide and Conquer for Full-resolution Light Field Deblurring
Mahesh Mohan M. R. and A. N. Rajagopalan
CVPR, 2018
paper/ slides / poster / bib

Full-resolution light field deblurring can be divided into independent subtasks, wherein a single task reinforces other tasks.

Occlusion-Aware Rolling Shutter Rectification of 3D Scenes
Subeesh Vasu , Mahesh Mohan M. R., and A. N. Rajagopalan
CVPR, 2018
paper / poster / bib

A method for the scenario of a fast moving camera wherein rolling shutter distortions results in intra-frame occlusions.

Going Unconstrained with Rolling Shutter Deblurring
Mahesh Mohan M. R., A. N. Rajagopalan , and Guna Seetharaman
ICCV, 2017
paper / slides / poster / bib

How can we bridge today's ubiquitous rolling shutter cameras with the well-studied conventional cameras, pertaining to motion deblurring?

Deep Decoupling of Defocus and Motion blur for Dynamic Segmentation
Abhijith Punnapurath , Yogesh Balaji , Mahesh Mohan M. R., and A. N. Rajagopalan
ECCV, 2016
paper / poster / bib

Deep Learning is used to obtain the attributes of object motion and camera motion, which is then employed for segmenting moving object(s).

Noise-aware Detail Enhancement in Scanning Electron Microscope imagery.
Mahesh Mohan M. R., A. N. Rajagopalan and Raj Kuppa,
KLA-Tencor's Neoterix, 2018   (in use at KLA-Tencor)
abstract / (rest is proprietary of KLA-T; sorry.)

A fully-automatic denoising based on a convex prior on SEM images, which eradicate (difficult to infer or possibly erroneous) noise models.

A novel method of Medical Image Denoising using Bilateral and NLM filtering.
Mahesh Mohan M. R. and Sheeba V. S.,
ICACC, 2013   (Oral Presentation)
paper / technical report / slides / bib

Wavelet thresholding (Visushrink) is extended to Contourlet transform, in order to enhance the performance of bilateral and NLM filtering.

SPAI Group's Funding
Our research is generously supported by

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Pure mathematics is in its way the poetry of logical ideas. When the solution is simpler, God is answering -- Einstein